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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Win a Free Spotlight on Your Blog & 100 of EC Credits!

Ladies and Gentlemen! May I have your attention please!

The Weekly Buzz is Here!

The Weekly Buzz is Here!

As Jeff@BuzzMyBlog.com said in his last post, the purpose of his blog is to help us succeed with ours. That is why I am very excited to write about his new feature whose sole purpose is to give our blog additional exposure and more traffic. No, this is not another contest. You will not have to do anything for me. All you have to do is sign up. Jeff will randomly select one blog each week to spotlight. The lucky blogger will get a couple hundred EntreCard credits that they can use to further promote their blog. There are no strings attached. You have nothing to lose.

Weekly Buzz Highlights

  • Every Monday Jeff will randomly select one blog from the list of entries and publish a post that is exclusively focused on that blog. The post will contain the blog's name, the owner's name, a description, a Do Follow link, and some words of wisdom from the selected blogger.
  • Each week, Jeff will send the winner some loot in the form of EntreCard credits. These credits can be used however you desire, but hopefully they will help to further promote your blog. Initially Jeff is giving away 300 credits, but he plans to raise this amount as more people sign up for the Weekly Buzz (so be sure to drop your card - the more credits Jeff will get the more he'll give away!).
  • The selection will be completely random. It is possible for your blog to be selected more than once, but Jeff won't allow the same blog to be selected twice in a one month period.

What's the Catch?

There is NO CATCH! As Jeff said, he wants to help our blog succeed and I think this will be a fun way to make that happen. However, I do have a couple of requests. These are very important so please take them seriously.

  • It is not a requirement, but I humbly ask of you one small thing. Each week when Jeff announce the Weekly Buzz, if you are not the winner please take a second and visit the winner's blog. Give their Blog a "Buzz". Check it out, click on a few links, leave a comment or two, maybe Stumble or Digg their latest post. Help out your fellow blogger however you can. You want them to do the same thing for you when you win, right?
  • Again, it is not a requirement, but I would greatly appreciate it if you subscribed to my RSS Feed. This way you can stay up to date on the Weekly Buzz and see if you've won.
  • Spam will not be tolerated. Do not submit blogs that sell Viagra or promise to increase the length of your willy.
  • Jeff only allows one entry per blog host name. So don't try to submit different pages of your blog a million times.
  • I am doing this to help you, so please just don't try to cheat or take advantage. Don't ruin it for everyone else.

I think that's it. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave them in a comment below. Jeff will post the first Weekly Buzz on the first Monday in March. So now, the only thing left to do is Click Here to Sign Up @BuzzMyBlog.com!